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Surviving the Festive Season by Raewyn Mai

By December 1, 2022Blog

Surviving the Festive Season   

Have you already had your end-of-year function? Christmas work party? Celebrating together with family, friends or work colleagues. Or are they yet to happen?  For most of us functions have already been planned and now we are wanting to be together, dine out, and celebrate our year.

Trust you, your team has had a hugely successful year and now it is time to celebrate.

Surviving the Festive Season can be stressful, with many functions to attend, financial pressures, gifts to find and some reduced sleep!


Here’s how you can survive:           It is everything in moderation

·      limit your sugar

·      try not to overindulge – ask me about a healthy snack bar, active transformation support

·      interesting how popular non-alcohol drinks have become

·      meet with those who inspire you

·      skincare routine, think about your skin care products you use

·      increase your self care to support your mental wellbeing – brain care, ask me about this

·      treat your microbiome well

·      eat healthy treats, more wholefoods

·      travel/take a break and relax – renew your physical and mental well-being moving forward to next year 2023

·     use supplementation to look after your cells & biochemical pathways

·      don’t forget to keep up your exercise – move more, sit less

·      remember your Christmas values


You can survive this festive season and feel well, without not putting on weight, and not be stressed out.

To find out about taking a lifestyle program or more you can contact me here: